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Publicado el Septiembre 29 2021

Terranova lanza el programa Pathways Job Matching para trabajadores extranjeros

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By  Editora
Actualizado Abril 02 2024

Canada's popular province Newfoundland and Labrador, well-known for being friendly, have launched a new tool that helps temporary foreign workers and international students to find work more quickly and easily. This is popularly known as the Pathways Job Matching program. The employers in this province are looking to hire immigrants, temporary foreign workers, and international students through the Pathways Job Matching program. Under this program, employers will be able to fill the vacancies, and the newcomers will be able to find work more easily.


"Al conectar directamente a los empleadores necesitados con las personas que desean vivir y trabajar aquí, estamos ayudando a abordar las necesidades de mano de obra de los empleadores y respaldar el crecimiento de la población", dijo Gerry Byrne, ministro de Inmigración, Crecimiento de la Población y Habilidades de la provincia, al hacer el anuncio el miércoles por la mañana en YellowBelly Brewery and Public House.


Terranova planea triplicar la inmigración

Newfoundland and Labrador is planning to triple the number of immigrants to settle in the province. In pre-COVID, the number is 1,850, and now it is planning to increase it to 5,100 new permanent residents per year in 2026. Employers looking for workers can visit the Pathways Job Matching program website and submit information about job postings etc. They can submit details regarding workforce needs and can also present other details related to vacant positions. International students in Newfoundland and Labrador who are in search of opportunities can avail this by registering over the two weeks starting next Wednesday.


Terranova está contratando más trabajadores inmigrantes

Inmigración de Terranova y Labrador staff will then work to match this group of newcomer applicants to the labor needs of the participating employers. Future application intake periods will be issued regularly to grab attention from people looking to immigrate to Newfoundland and Labrador. As it works to up its immigration levels, the Rock is undertaking several initiatives to woo immigrants, including:

  • Servicios de asentamiento como formación, reconocimiento de cualificaciones extranjeras, enseñanza de idiomas y apoyo cultural;
  • El desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de solicitud en línea para que a los recién llegados a Canadá les resulte más fácil y rápido establecerse en Terranova y Labrador;
  • Campañas de promoción y marketing enfocadas en atraer posibles residentes de otras partes de Canadá y de todo el mundo;
  • La contratación de más personal de inmigración, incluido personal para ayudar a los empleadores con la inmigración y para ayudar a los recién llegados a navegar por el sistema de inmigración, y;
  • La incorporación de instructores de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) en el sistema escolar k-12.

Los empleadores buscan inmigrantes para cubrir la escasez de mano de obra

Empleadores en Canadá are desperately searching for employees to fill the labor market needs. Most of them are offering higher wages and more benefits to attract workers and making greater efforts to recruit immigrants as the economy re-opens and business picks back up. Restaurants in Canada examine that 80 percent of restaurateurs face trouble in hiring kitchen staff, and 67 percent are having difficulty finding servers and staff to bus tables. Construction firms are also hiring more number of staff as the requirement has been increased to 1.4 percent, only in August.


The Global Talent Stream (GTS) of the Programa de Trabajadores Extranjeros Temporales (TFWP) will be a quick solution for employers to fill their labor shortages. These programs will also process the visa applications within two weeks. If you are looking to ESTUDIO, Actividades:, Visite, InvertirMigrar a Canadá, hable con Y-Axis, la empresa de inmigración y visas número uno del mundo. Si este blog te resultó atractivo, también te puede gustar...

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