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Publicado el Mayo 10 2019

¿Cuáles son los empleos mejor pagados en Alemania en 2019?

imagen de perfil
By  Editora
Actualizado Abril 01 2024

Alemania es la tierra de la tecnología. Mucha gente aspira a trabajar y establecerse en Alemania. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cuáles son los empleos mejor pagados en Alemania?

Continúe leyendo para conocer los empleos mejor pagados en Alemania para 2019:

  • CEO

Average Salary: 380,000 Euros to 808,000 Euros

CEOs have the highest place on the board of administrators of a company. Thus, they have the highest paying job in Germany. They manage their company’s finances as well as day-to-day activities.

  • Ministro federal

Average Salary: 168,000 Euros to 204,000 Euros

 Federal Ministers happen to be members of Germany’s Federal Executive Council. Along with regional ministers, they implement as well as create choices on policies.

  • Banqueros de inversión

Average Salary: 145,000 Euros to 300,000 Euros

Investment Bankers are nothing but the monetary advisors of a company. They are usually employed in big banks or firms.

  • Gerente de Ventas

Average Salary: Up to 134,000 Euros

The role of a Sales Manager in a company usually involves leadership as well as talent development. They set sales targets, build sales plans, are involved in sales coaching and mentor members of the sales team.

  • Gerente de Laboratorio

Average Salary: Up to 122,000 Euros

Laboratory Managers are responsible for the operations of a forensic, clinical, development and analysis of a medical laboratory.

  • Médico tratante

Average Salary: 85,000 Euros to 150,000 Euros

Attending Medical Doctors are usually in senior positions and supervise residents, students and alternative medical practitioners. They may head a specific department as per their speciality.

  • empresas

Average Salary: 50,000 Euros to 80,000 Euros

Lawyers legally represent their clients in the court of law to resolve disputes and during negotiations.

  • Especialistas en TI

Average Salary: 66,000 Euros to 81,000 Euros

IT Specialists are experts in the field of Information Technology and are generally entrusted with identifying and resolving any IT issue.

  • Ingenier@

Average Salary: Around 64,000 Euros but the pay increases with position and experience

Engineers are responsible for the planning and maintenance of materials, structures and systems keeping safety, usefulness, price and rules in mind.

  • Consultor

Average Salary: 30,000 Euros to 46,000 Euros

Consultants provide professional recommendations in a specific field. They are usually employed in big firms or may work independently, as per Current School News.

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Si usted está buscando para ESTUDIO, Trabajar, Visitar, Invertir o Migrar a Alemania, hable con Y-Axis, los consultores de inmigración y visas número uno del mundo.

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Las 10 profesiones mejor pagadas en Alemania - 2018



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